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  • AK75折叠式推拉门是我公司精心打造的高级折叠门;把受力滑轮放在下轨上,上轨安装导向定位滑轮,具有推拉、折叠方便灵活,安全可靠,外观大气磅礴,全方位展露空间的特点。
    AK75 folding and sliding door is an advanced folding door of our company. As the pulleys in lower track bear the weight of the door and the pulleys in upper track guide the door, the door can be slid and folded easily, flexibly and safely. With an attractive appearance, the product can display space completely.
    Double toughened glazing, built-in lattice and built-in blinders may be flexibly mounted on the door as customers demand.
    。Suitable for high-end residential districts of residence, club, offices and villas.
  • AK90断桥铝合金推拉门隔热部位处在同一平面,热损失小,室内和室外完全隔开,节能效果显著;
    As the heat insulating parts of K90 cut-off bridge aluminum alloy sliding door are at the same level and indoor space is completely separated from outdoor space, energy can be saved, with little heat lost.
    with stationary windows and two, three or four sliding doors, and upper pulleys equipped with security units that cannot be dismantled from outside;
    use transom mullion for corner window, lunette window, door with window and strip window as works demand;
    built-in or built-on movable screens may be provided as required by works;
    compared with the windows of the same category in China, our product has better performances, use less materials and is more cost-effective;
    Easy and simple to be fabricated and assembled, with spares provided by a few professional hardware plants.
    Suitable for balconies, studies and livingrooms.